Google it if you don't know! To the kids they are the best part of Easter! Hayden had a blast breaking them on everyone he could catch - big or little, boy or girl! Eventually he got a taste of his own medicine when the adults held him down so the other kids could pay him back......leaving no body part free from the attack! It was a great day and we spent the rest of it picking confetti out of our hair!!
Yesterday we had our first ultrasound - 8 weeks & 2 days along! Everything went great! My doctor said everything looks just fine. You can see the head on the right, arm buds and leg buds (one is hard to see) and the round area at the left end is the yolk sac. We heard the heart beat - 173 BPM! It was truly amazing and made the whole thing that much more real!
All of these experiences are firsts for Albert, so I think he might actually be in a bit of shock! It's always new and exciting no matter what, but in many ways it was like the first time for me as well since I only had one ultrasound with Hayden at 5 weeks....and that was it! Needless to say there wasn't much detail at that time, just a small circle. They wouldn't allow me anymore ultrasounds unless there was a high-risk issue - gotta love the military! I guess that's what you get when it costs $40 to go from conception to bringing home the baby! I'm really looking forward to all the "perks" we'll have this time and especially finding out what we're having! I told Hayden I'd like him to be there when we find out what it is and he told me he's not very good at reading ultrasounds! Crazy kid! I told him not to worry!
Enjoy the picture - one is a video clip - it's short, but interesting to see in real time!! And, if you look close, you can actually see the heart beat!!! There's no sound, but it's still AMAZING!! If you click on the video a few times, it will come up larger in a new window.
I can't believe it's been 12 years since my little Hayden came into the world! So much has happened over the years, but yet it seems like just yesterday we met him for the first time! He's grown up so fast and we are so proud of the wonderful young man he's become!
He had a great birthday weekend full of fun - friends, exploring in the forest, ice cream cake, video games and lots of running around! He received some wonderful gifts including rifles handed down from both his Dad & Albert. He's quite the lucky kid! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYDEN!!!