Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Growing Like a Weed!

A year ago we were seeing the first ultrasound pictures of our Little Johnny.  Now, in what seems like the blink of an eye, he's already 5 months old!  I wish time could freeze right now!  He's so wonderful in so many ways!  His sweet little face and cute little laugh make all our cares disappear!  He has brought so much to our lives.  We thank God every day for Hayden and Johnny!  We are so blessed to be their parents! 

I wanted to track Johnny's growth somehow so I started taking monthly pictures (in addition to the hundreds I take already!! :))  My "plan" got off to a rocky start and eventually evolved into his Great Grandmother's little chair and the blocks.  Looking back, I can't believe how much he's changed in such a small amount of time!

Zero Months!

One Month!

Two Months!
13 pounds, 12 ounces!
"I know you're up to something, lady!"

Three Months!

Four Months!

18 pounds, 6 ounces!

Five Months!

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